Invited Speaker Skin Cancer 2024

Sunscreen Testing - Getting it Right (#5)

John Staton 1
  1. SciPharm Pty Ltd, Kingsgrove, NSW, Australia

The primary support of efficacy of sunscreen products in the market place is testing. This may seem to be a straight forward process, but is in fact quite complex. This presentation will cover the issues revolving around the test process to Internationally harmonised ISO Standards and to the Australian Standard AS/NZS 2604 as adopted by the Therapeutic Goods Administration "TGA". Future changes based around alternative tests now in development by ISO will also be briefly touch on.

  1. AS/NZS 2604:2022 Standard Sunscreen products – Evaluation and classification
  2. ISO/CD 23675 (Ed. 1) Cosmetics — Sun protection test Methods — In Vitro determination of Sun Protection Factor - 2024
  3. ISO/CD 23698 Ed. 1. Cosmetics Sun protection test methods- Measurement of the Sunscreen Efficacy by Diffuse Reflectance Spectroscopy (HDRS)