Oral Presentation Skin Cancer 2024

Making UVR dosimetry easier for research, prevention, and intervention (#12)

Zim Sherman 1
  1. Scienterra Limited, Oamaru, OTAGO, New Zealand

UVR dosimeters offer insights into personal exposure and behavior patterns. However, the use of dosimeters en masse has been challenging, due to several factors. A project’s complexity and expense increase rapidly with cohort size. Research goals have often been limited by the lack of available hardware capabilities. Data management has been onerous and slow, and essential metadata have been lacking. Communication with participants has typically been via mail or in-person meetings, which are both costly and time-consuming. Compliance detection has often been difficult.

A new dosimeter from Scienterra was designed to address these issues. The system was designed for Big Data. A web portal and integrated cloud database allow researchers to organize multiple projects, remotely managing each device and communicating with participants via notification. The sensor-rich hardware is designed for long battery life and high data capacity, with configurable software that allows each feature to be tailored for specific needs. Data are accessible in near-real-time, enabling timely insights and interventions. Common metadata features are integrated, and compliance is monitored automatically.

This talk will demonstrate features of the new dosimeter, and provide an opportunity to discuss where you think it should go from here.