Oral Presentation Skin Cancer 2024

In it for the long game: scaling up and sustaining a skin cancer prevention program in Australian golf clubs (#19)

Alexandra Hamer 1 , Liz King 1
  1. Cancer Council NSW, Woolloomooloo, NSW, Australia

Improve your long game (IYLG) is a skin cancer prevention program set in New South Wales (NSW) golf clubs, Australia. The program targets golfers, especially men aged 40+ who are at higher risk of being diagnosed and dying of melanoma compared to women of a similar age.1

IYLG is the first sun protection program in a sport setting in Australia. It aims to create supportive environments to normalise and reinforce sun protection amongst golfers by providing clubs with free sunscreen, resources to display on the course and around the club house, and sun safe e-communications to share with members.

Launched by Cancer Council NSW (CCNSW) in 2015, the program has been scaled up to reach over 230 golf clubs across NSW. The program has been delivered in three phases: firstly through locally supported implementation; then through a centralised approach; and finally with a combination of centralised and personal support to golf clubs. A quantitative evaluation demonstrated program impact through improvements in sun protection behaviours amongst golfers and strong buy in from golf leaders at participating clubs. Qualitative evaluations have consistently demonstrated it’s easy to implement, and the program and resources are well received by golfing community. However, the key challenge has been sustaining club engagement over time and maintaining relationships with key contacts.

This presentation will outline how the program has developed over time, key evaluation insights and strategies to address program challenges.

  1. Cancer Institute NSW.Cancer statistics NSW. St Leonards, NSW: Cancer Institute; 2022. Available from: https://www.cancer.nsw.gov.au/research-and-data/cancer-data-and-statistics/cancer-statistics-nsw#//.