Oral Presentation Skin Cancer 2024

Enhancing occupational UV exposure awareness in new and young outdoor workers: a collaborative approach (#60)

Ros Natalotto 1 , Joyce Inma 2
  1. Cancer Council Western Australia, Subiaco, WA, Australia
  2. WorkSafe, Department of Energy, Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety, Perth, Western Australia, Australia



Collaborations are becoming critical for fulfilling public health objectives. This project outlines the benefits and outcomes of a collaborative initiative aimed at increasing awareness of the risks associated with occupational UV exposure in young outdoor workers.


Methods: Cancer Council WA established a strategic partnership with WorkSafe WA, a Work Health Safety regulator, to promote occupational UV exposure awareness in new and young workers. This involved combining resources and integrating diverse perspectives to fulfill the distinct needs of each partner. Through joint planning sessions, an interactive online education module was developed that addresses the unique challenges and risks associated with UV exposure in outdoor workers.


The training module was delivered on WorkSafe WA’s online educational platform, SmartMove, which registers on average 32,000 active participants annually. .


Results: Preliminary results indicate a substantial increase in the reach of the education programs. Between April 2023 to April 2024, 1,621 new and young workers successfully completed the training module. Additionally, increased website engagement was evident. The diverse expertise brought by these partners has enabled us to tailor our materials to specific audiences, resulting in a more refined and effective approach.


Conclusion: This collaboration has proven instrumental in advancing our mission to raise awareness of occupational UV exposure risks. This model serves as a blueprint for future endeavours seeking to address occupational health challenges through strategic partnerships. Further study into whether this collaborative approach has led to behavioural changes in the target group is required for validating its effectiveness.