Oral Presentation Skin Cancer 2024

Tool for planning environmental UV protection in kindergartens and schools (#43)

Lill Tove Nilsen 1 , Bjørn Johnsen 1 , Ingeborg Elise Nakken 1 , Jostein Hoftuft 1
  1. Norwegian Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority, Østerås, ØSTERåS, Norway

New regulations on health and the environment in kindergartens, schools and after-school programs came in force 1 July 2023. Based on goals in the Norwegian UV- and Skin Cancer Strategy, guidelines to these regulations now states that outdoor environments should provide both sunny and shaded areas and measures should be introduced to prevent too much UV exposure to the children. Practical guidance and knowledge are needed for planners of outdoor areas and for those responsible for the children’s daily outdoor time schedule. 

The Norwegian Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority (DSA) has developed a tool to find the UV exposure at a given location based on Fisheye photo and calculations of skyview factor, direct and diffuse UV irradiances. The photos were converted to panorama pictures with the sun path plotted for a given day, to visualize at what time periods the children may be exposed to direct sunlight. Reduction in UV exposure compared to an open space was calculated. Based on only the skyview factor, this can be generalized to an arbitrary geographical location and day of the year.

From Fisheye photos taken in a kindergarten, the annual UV exposure was reduced by almost 40% in an open area, just due to buildings and trees surrounding the area. A shade sail placed over the location, reduced the annual UV exposure by additionally 45%.

DSA will use this tool and these results to motivate, educate and guide local municipalities, schools and kindergartens in order to reduce the UV burden on Norwegian children.