Oral Presentation Skin Cancer 2024

Skin cancer prevention effort in Sweden 2019-2023 (#69)

Tove Sandberg Liljendahl 1
  1. Swedish Radiation Safety Authority, Solna, STOCKHOLM, Sweden

The annual incidence of skin cancer continues to rise in Sweden. According to the Specification in the Swedish environmental quality objective, the annual incidence of skin cancer caused by ultraviolet radiation should be lower than in the year 2000. At present, this goal is far from being achieved; the incidence of malignant melanoma of the skin is twice the target, and the incidence of non-melanoma skin cancer is three times the target.

In 2019, the Swedish Radiation Safety Authority received an assignment from the Swedish government to intensify the work with skin cancer prevention. The main purpose was to influence exposure habits with information and advice. The assignment was originally limited to three years, but was granted an extension in 2022 and again in 2023.

The main objects has been to 1) select target groups and develop tailored messages and launch campaigns and 2) to co-ordinate relevant authorities and organisations in this work.

Apart from regular campaigns this effort has so far implied information on exposure in medical on-line web services (previously more inclined towards secondary prevention), course material for preschool teachers and childcare staff, and that stakeholders are more aware of each other’s activities, and joint benefits of the coordination.

The Swedish Radiation Safety Authority monitor the public’s attitudes to ultraviolet radiation and sun-bathing in enquiries conducted annually. There are signs that attitudes are slowly improving, and that ultraviolet exposure is decreasing.