Oral Presentation Skin Cancer 2024

Innovative apps for sun exposure monitoring and personalised digital sun protection (#42)

Marina Venturini 1 , Rowan C Temple 2 , Marco Morelli 2 , Piergiacomo Calzavara-Pinton 1
  1. Dermatology Department, University of Brescia and ASST Spedali Civili Hospital, Brescia, Italy
  2. siHealth Ltd, Harwell Campus, Didcot, Oxfordshire, United Kingdom

The incidence of common types of skin cancer has been rising for decades. Now skin cancer prevention is one of the most important public health issues [1].

An innovative patented technology [2][3] combining real-time Earth Observation satellite data and AI in smartphone apps addresses this emerging need. It allows the automatic real-time whole-body solar exposure dosimetry by detecting the indoor/outdoor position and the incident spectral solar radiation.

This can be used for seamlessly tracking the solar exposure of a large number of users, for example in epidemiological/clinical studies or for risk prevention of outdoor workers. Solar exposure data are provided in excel/csv format via a dedicated web-portal (ExpoDose® solution).

Moreover, the same technology is embedded into an app dedicated to digital sun protection (Sun4Health®), already validated scientifically and clinically (CE-marked medical device class 1) [4][5]. The app assesses the user’s Minimal Erythemal Dose and incorporates the spectral transmittance and application quantity of sunscreens. It provides guidance about the sunscreen application and provides in real-time personalised recommendations for preventing sun damage.

The automatic indoor/outdoor positioning has an accuracy of over 80% , while the solar radiation monitoring shows a correlation coefficient of 0.913 and mean average error of 15.7% when compared to 9 months of continuous UV erythemal radiometer measurements in Brescia (Italy).

Sun4Health can reduce the prevalence of skin cancer by providing real-time personalised recommendations on sun protection. It also has the potential to be used for other photobiological applications, such as sun phototherapy of vitiligo in everyday life. 

  1. Urban K et al. (2021) JAAD Int. 2, 98–108
  2. Morelli M et al. (2016), Photochem. Photobiol. Sci. 15, 1170
  3. Patents no. WO/2017/153832, WO/2022/136936
  4. Young AR, Schalka S et al. (2022), Photochem. Photobiol. Sci. 21, 1853
  5. ISRCTN clinical trials registry - ISRCTN30217197 (2022)