Oral Presentation Skin Cancer 2024


Claudine Strehl 1 , Marc Wittlich 1
  1. Institute for Occupational Safety and Health of the German Social Accident Insurance, Sankt Augustin, NORTH RHINE-WESTPHALIA, Germany

Solar ultraviolet (UV)-induced non-melanoma skin cancer (NMSC) is a major risk factor for people working outdoors and the link between high levels of solar UV exposure and NMSC incidence is well known. To address the constantly rising incidences of occupational skin cancer throughout the world, efforts in primary prevention are of utmost importance. Although the medical and scientific discussion about disease mechanisms, numbers of affected employees and legal classification (occupational disease) has been intense, a valid, detailed and extensive database on personal UV exposure has been lacking. Particularly in the occupational context, the identification of the professions that are particularly at risk is important for effective approaches in terms of primary prevention. Nevertheless, a holistic approach is recommended as affected people collect solar UV both during work and leisure time. During the GENESIS-UV measurement campaigns occupational as well as leisure time UV exposure was measured for a wide range of occupational settings and leisure time activities. This broad database of UV exposure measurement values provides important information for primary prevention of occupational skin cancer. Furthermore, the data is used in the context of epidemiological and medical research to reveal sound dose response relationships of NMSC and UV radiation.

  1. Marc Wittlich, Stephan Westerhausen, Benjamin Strehl, Helmut Versteeg, Wiho Stöppelmann, The GENESIS-UV study on ultraviolet radiation exposure levels in 250 occupations to foster epidemiological and legislative efforts to combat nonmelanoma skin cancer, British Journal of Dermatology, Volume 188, Issue 3, March 2023, Pages 350–360, https://doi.org/10.1093/bjd/ljac093