Oral Presentation Skin Cancer 2024

Understanding the drivers of sun protection behaviours to inform a national skin cancer prevention campaign  (#73)

Rob Tolan 1 , Melody Chew 1 , Brendan Heys 1 , Laura Ryan 2 , Merran Aguilera 2 , Eliza Bush 2 , Adrian Bauman 3
  1. Cancer Council Australia, Sydney, NEW SOUTH WALES, Australia
  2. Department of Health and Aged Care , Australian Government, Canberra , Australian Capital Territory , Australia
  3. School of Public Health , University of Sydney , Sydney, New South Wales, Australia

Cancer Council, in partnership with the Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care undertook formative research into segments of the population most in need of sun protection messaging, to identify the target audience for the 2023/24 national skin cancer prevention campaign.  

Between December 2022 and February 2023, a research insights review was conducted to identify target population segments, identify research gaps, and inform the strategy, messaging, message testing and development of the 2023/24 campaign.   

The research reviewed the correlates, barriers, and facilitators to safe and dangerous sun protection behaviours in relation to skin cancer prevention and reviewed previous skin cancer prevention campaigns and interventions to identify themes or messages used in those interventions.  

The research identified three key audience groups to target: adolescents and young adults, mid aged males, outdoor workers, rural workers and farmers and the whole population. Given the ongoing challenge of generational renewal and data2 suggesting an increasing prevalence of suntanning in young Australians, 18 – 30-year-olds were selected as the primary focus of the campaign.  

The research noted suntanning as a prevalent and sustained cultural norm in Australia, as well as the need for sustained campaign activity to tackle the cyclic nature of sun protection behaviours and pro-suntanning attitudes and the challenges in changing sun protection behaviours.  

The review identified areas for further research and provided insights used to inform the target audience, strategy, and message development of the 2023/24 campaign.  

  1. Bauman, A, Kite, J, O’Hara, B (2023) A review of messages and strategies to inform a national sun protection/skin cancer prevention campaign in Australia, Internal report prepared for Cancer Council Australia
  2. Social Research Centre, (2019) Sun Protection Attitudes and Behaviours – Annual Report, Report prepared for Cancer Council Victoria and Cancer Council New South Wales