Oral Presentation Skin Cancer 2024

UV protective shade – getting it onto the (climate and health) agenda (#65)

Justine Osborne 1
  1. SunSmart Victoria, Cancer Council Victoria, Melbourne, VIC, Australia


Spending time outdoors is important for health and wellbeing but it also means exposure to ultraviolet radiation. Providing natural and built shade is an effective protection measure against harmful UV radiation. Shade also provides co-benefits for the environment and health.

There is an increasing focus on climate adaptation and mitigation strategies across all levels of government. Under the Victorian state government’s Climate Change Act, all 79 local government areas (LGA) must prioritise “tackling climate change and its impact on health” in their council plans.


SunSmart aims to improve policies and environments to reduce UV exposure and identify opportunities to embed UV protective shade in urban planning and environments.

With LGAs obligated to include climate change solutions as a priority in their plans, how many currently also consider UV radiation as part of their shade and green cover strategies? How do we ensure UV protection is integrated into future council plans?


This presentation will share findings and reflect on learnings from a recent audit of local government health and wellbeing, climate adaptation, and open space plans. The audit reviewed current mentions of key words including shade, green cover and UV protection. It will also compare findings to previous audits conducted in 2005 and 2012. The data will be used to assist future advocacy efforts to support local governments to include UV protective shade as an effective and sustainable climate adaptation and health solution.