Robert Stephens Skin Cancer 2024

Robert Stephens

Dr Stephens is a dermatologist in private practice in Australia. He trained in Sydney & Edinburgh and was the recipient of the Roche Travelling Scholarship at St Johns Institute of Dermatology in London in 1996. He has held consultant & VMO appointments in London and in Sydney. He is the principle dermatologist of North West Sydney Dermatology & Laser, and of "Noosaderm" in QLD. Over the last 8 years he has become passionate about increasing innovation of photodynamic treatment for keratinocyte tumours. Since 2018 he has used optical coherence tomography (OCT) to image BCCs, to identify features which influence their suitability for PDT, and to monitor treatment outcomes. He developed a new protocol for photodynamic treatment of BCCs which was published in 2020. The University of Malmö, and the University of Linköping in Sweden are collaborators with his work.

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