Janin Chandra Skin Cancer 2024

Janin Chandra

Dr. Janin Chandra completed her PhD in Immunology at the University of Zurich in Switzerland, and joined Prof. Ian Frazer’s lab in 2012 with a UQ Post-doctoral Research Fellowship. In 2015, she accepted a role as Senior Scientist in an immunotherapy-developing, where she translated therapeutic DNA vaccines for genital herpes and HPV-mediated cancers from preclinical development to combined 4 Phase 1 clinical trials. In 2019, Janin returned to UQ as Research Fellow, and now leads the Tumour Antigen Presentation and Immune Regulation Lab at the Frazer Institute. Supported by a Passe & Williams Foundation Fellowship, her research focuses on understanding and modulating professional and non-conventional antigen-presenting cells in squamous cell carcinomas (SCCs) including gynaecological, anogenital and head and neck SCCs.

Abstracts this author is presenting: