Janin Chandra
Dr. Janin Chandra completed her PhD in Immunology at the University of Zurich in Switzerland, and joined Prof. Ian Frazer’s lab in 2012 with a UQ Post-doctoral Research Fellowship. In 2015, she accepted a role as Senior Scientist in an immunotherapy-developing, where she translated therapeutic DNA vaccines for genital herpes and HPV-mediated cancers from preclinical development to combined 4 Phase 1 clinical trials. In 2019, Janin returned to UQ as Research Fellow, and now leads the Tumour Antigen Presentation and Immune Regulation Lab at the Frazer Institute. Supported by a Passe & Williams Foundation Fellowship, her research focuses on understanding and modulating professional and non-conventional antigen-presenting cells in squamous cell carcinomas (SCCs) including gynaecological, anogenital and head and neck SCCs.
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